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Cornish Brides

Being a nominee for Bridal Stylist of the Year with Cornish Brides Magazine is a great accolade to have. I was even more thrilled when they asked me to write a post for them. Please read the lessage I received below:

The team at Cornish Brides hope you like your inclusion within the fab Winter 2014 edition of Cornish Brides Magazine, and thought you might like a photo of the feature so you can share it with your social media followers. The Winter 2014 edition of Cornish Brides Magazine is available to read online or download at: We’d love you to keep us posted on anything new, which we might be able to use in the first edition of 2015. Email us at: Best wishes from ‪#CornishBridesMag‬

The finals night will be held on November 28th where they will announce the winners! Fingers crossed.

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